When school lets out for the summer, children across the region are at higher risk of experiencing food insecurity, having lost access to meals and snacks provided by their educational institution. FRESHFARM and our partners seek to bridge that gap through the Free Summer Meals program.


FRESHFARM’s Free Summer Meals program is offered in partnership with local meal providers — CentroNía and DC Central Kitchen — across the District to provide free meals to children aged 18 years old and younger when school is out for summer break.

Grant-funded by the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), Summer Meals is operated by the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education. Community members may also know it as the DC Youth Meals Program or Free Summer Meals.

Summer Meals

In the District, any children aged 18 years old and younger may visit a participating FRESHFARM farm stand or farmers market to pick up a free meal. No ID, no application, and no proof of DC residency required! One meal is provided to each child onsite upon request. Children are welcome to visit more than one location to get a meal each week.

For more information, please visit the Columbia Heights or the Farm Stands Free Summer Meals pages.


Interested in learning more about Summer Meals provided through FRESHFARM farmers markets and farm stands? Contact foodaccess@freshfarm.org for more information.

Visit the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education for more information about the program structure in Washington, DC.