Summer Meals at Farm Stands

Thanks to the Summer Meals program, free meals are available for children ages 5 to 18-years-old at the FRESHFARM farm stands from June 22 through August 24, 2024.

For pick up, children and their families should visit the farm stand tent and request their meal. A market staff person will hand over the meal, and that’s it! No ID or proof of residency is required. 

Children are welcome to sit, enjoy the sunshine, and eat their meals at the farm stand!


When school lets out for the summer, children across the region are at higher risk of experiencing food insecurity, having lost access to meals and snacks provided by their educational institution. Together, FRESHFARM and DC Central Kitchen seek to bridge that gap and improve food access for children in Wards 7 and 8.

For questions about the meals distributed at farm stands, please email for support.