Effective October 1, 2024, WIC and Senior FMNP matching will end for the season due to limited funding. This change allows FRESHFARM to responsibly manage our resources and ensure the sustainability of our food access programming.

Learn More.

Each season FRESHFARM makes updates to FreshMatch policies based on client feedback, budget restrictions, and organizational capacity. Below please policy updates and FAQs for the 2024 season.

2024 FreshMatch Policy Update

Effective March 1, 2024 FRESHFARM’s FreshMatch coupons- SNAP Bonus (white coupons) and FMNP Bonus (red coupons)- will only be eligible for fresh fruit and vegetable (F&V) purchases across all of our farmers markets and farm stands.

Within USDA GusNIP Nutrition Incentive projects, “fruits and vegetables” are defined as “any variety of fresh, canned, dried, or frozen whole or cut fruits and vegetables without added sugars, fats, or oils, and salt (i.e. sodium)”. This includes microgreens, mushrooms, seedlings and food-producing plants. You can continue to purchase these foods with your matching coupons at participating FRESHFARM farmers markets and farm stands.

FRESHFARM regularly assesses how to make the best use of our resources to provide food access services, such as FreshMatch. This change will allow us to meet the needs of the greatest number of people based on our current funding.

Please note that FreshMatch coupon and purchase eligibility could change again in the future. FRESHFARM remains committed to keeping our community members informed about FreshMatch. Any coupon and purchase eligibility changes will be shared with customers online and at market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this change happening?

This policy change allows FRESHFARM to responsibly manage our resources and ensure the sustainability of our food access programming. This change will allow us to make better use of existing grant funds for FreshMatch spending. We expect to see increased SNAP redemption in response to Give SNAP a Raise, a $40 million initiative that increases the amount of SNAP funds allotted to recipients. These FreshMatch policy changes will allow FRESHFARM to respond to anticipated increase in SNAP spending at our Washington, DC markets.

Could FreshMatch coupons and eligibility change again?

Yes! As with all of our programs, Fresh Match policies will be assessed every year based on available funding and resources. FRESHFARM will continue to implement food access programming to fulfill our strategic objective of increasing the level of convenient, equitable access to nutritious, local food in the Washington, DC region.

Does this change how I spend my SNAP/purple coupons?

No, this doesn’t change how you spend SNAP/purple  coupons. These coupons can still be spent on any SNAP-eligible foods. Per USDA guidelines, SNAP-eligible foods are defined as:

  • Fruits and vegetables;
  • Meat, poultry, and fish;
  • Dairy products and eggs;
  • Breads and cereals;
  • Other foods such as snack foods, condiments, and non-alcoholic beverages; and
    Seeds and plants, which produce food for the household to eat.

How should I use my FreshMatch SNAP Bonus/white and/or FreshMatch FMNP Bonus/red coupons?

Shoppers are encouraged to spend their SNAP/purple coupons on all non-F&V purchases first, and then use their FreshMatch SNAP Bonus/white and/or FreshMatch FMNP Bonus/red coupons on all F&V purchases. Our team members at the InfoTent are available to support you with making a shopping plan using your coupons.

How do I know which farmers/producers I can shop with?

For SNAP/purple coupons, you can continue to shop with the same farmers/producers; nothing has changed. If you would like to provide feedback about our programming, you are always welcome to email hello@ffm.org.

For FreshMatch SNAP Bonus/white and/or FreshMatch FMNP Bonus/red coupons, you can shop with any vendors selling fresh F&V. If you’re unsure who that includes, we encourage you to visit the Info Tent and talk to our knowledgeable team members who can answer your questions.

Which farmers markets and farm stands accept my FreshMatch coupons?

SNAP Bonus/white coupons are accepted at all FRESHFARM and partner farmers markets. More information available at market or online: www.freshfarm.org/fresh-match

FMNP/red coupons are accepted only at FRESHFARM farmers markets and farm stands.

Where can I share my feedback about the FreshMatch changes?

The decision to change the FreshMatch coupon eligibility was made by FRESHFARM’s leadership team to sustain the program’s operations for all our customers. If you would like to provide feedback about our programming, you are always welcome to email hello@ffm.org.

FRESHFARM Market Coupons At-A-Glance

Updated March, 2024

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