What’s In Your Share This Week?

Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, are similar to potatoes in taste and texture. They can be eaten raw but are much better roasted with butter and herbs, cooked like mashed potatoes, or prepared in a soup. The skin of sunchokes is edible but feel free to peel it.
Try this recipe for Creamy Sunchoke SoupĀ via Mollie Katzen:
- Scrub, peel and chop sunchokes. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter or oil in a pot over medium heat. Add one chopped onion, salt, and stir well. Cover for about 10 minutes, until onions are soft but not brown.
- Stir in sunchokes, cover again, and cook for about 5 minutes.
- Add in 4 cups of water or broth and cook for 20-30 minutes, until the sunchokes are tender enough to pierce with a fork.
- Puree bit by bit in a blender, adding in a little milk or buttermilk to each batch–up to 2 cups. Return to the pot and season with salt, pepper and teaspoon of honey or sugar.
Note: If you struggle with digestion issues, we recommend taking it slow and only eating a small amount the first time.
For more recipes and ways to prepare this week’s produce, check out the links below:
Looking for simple, hands on ways for your children to engage with fruits and vegetables? Look no further!
Give your child the tools they need to create observational drawings of the items you’ll be preparing for dinner.
Cut open a squash or apple and let them touch and draw the seeds. Or, keep it simple by giving them a leaf of kale to trace. All you need is a piece of paper, something to color with and a subject to draw!
For ideas like this and more, check out ourĀ FoodPrints Anywhere activities.