Our Programs Continue in a COVID-19 World
We are still here.
The world has changed in the last four weeks. However, FRESHFARM has continued working to support local agriculture, improve food access, and promote nutrition education by adapting quickly to continue operating while following social distancing norms.
In the last three weeks, we have adopted changes at our farmers markets to keep farmers, producers, and shoppers safe. This is possible because, behind the scenes, our staff has spent endless hours coordinating, planning, and communicating with city officials, landlords, vendors, and the public. We are learning together how to sell and shop at farmers markets during this crisis, since they are essential sources of nutritious and healthy food for residents of all walks of life. We are committed to keeping our markets open — with safety precautions in place — following the recommendations of our local authorities.
Since schools are moving to remote learning, so it is nutrition education. With FoodPrints Anywhere, our amazing team put together a whole new platform to keep teaching the next generation of eaters. FoodPrints staff is creating new content to regularly post activities that help build nutrition knowledge, extend science and math education, and help families cook and eat FoodPrints recipes together. Do you have kids at home? This is a resource you will love.
FRESHFARM is also part of a group of organizations working to serve vulnerable families during the COVID-19 crisis. The Pop-Up Food Hub team has been looking for resources and creating partnerships to offer direct home delivery of fresh, local produce to low-income families with children in early childhood who are at risk of food insecurity and poor nutrition. As you know, we deliver fresh produce directly from the farmers market to institutions. Since childcare centers are closed, we are coordinating with our existing childcare partners to select and enroll families in need. Most of these families are located in Ward 7 and 8 of Washington, DC.
I am so proud to lead a team that believes that the role we play as a mission-driven organization is an essential one, and that keeps working to make a difference even during unprecedented times. I hope we can count on you to join these efforts. When you come to our markets, please follow social distancing rules, use a mask, make a shopping list, and be brief at the market. And if you would like to support our work, you can do so here. We will have time to catch up again. Our markets will be there.
Hugo Mogollon
Executive Director