Sign Up for the Main Season Market Share!

The FRESHFARM Market Share is open for new sign-ups! This year, our CSA-style produce subscription, which runs from June through October, is available for pick up at our Ballston, Virginia farmers market and at four locations in Washington, DC. For a $6 additional fee, we will deliver your share to residences located within the I-495 Beltway.
What makes the Market Share different from other veggie subscriptions and CSAs?
Since the Market Share sources produce from various farms, large and small, in the FRESHFARM network, you get lots of variety in your weekly Share. We fill the Share bags with the ripest produce from Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and every week’s Share reflects the unique growing season of the entire region.
It sounds like a big commitment. What if I am traveling or change my mind?
Our Market Share is super flexible and convenient. Members can sign up anytime during the season and can skip a week (or multiple weeks) or cancel if it’s not working out.
How much does it cost?
The Market Share is available in two sizes, and both are a great value with abundant portions of peak-season fruits and vegetables.
- Family Share: 10-12 items and/or larger quantities of each item; feeds 3-5 people for $40 per week / $8 for customers paying with SNAP/EBT
- Personal Share: 8-10 items and/or smaller quantities of each item; feeds 1-2 people for $26 per week / $6 for customers paying with SNAP/EBT
Are they any add-ons?
- Yes! You can add the following options to your Market Share subscription:
- Grain Share: Receive one grain item per week, offered in partnership with Common Grain Alliance to promote grain production in our region. The Grain Share is a curated selection of grains and other dry goods like grits, bread, pasta, rice, and more. $10 per week/ $4 per week for customers paying SNAP/EBT.
Social Impact: By adding Social Impact, you can contribute to our initiative to offer discounted Market Shares to families who participate in income-qualifying programs like SNAP, WIC, and SFMNP. Social Impact is available to add on in $5 increments.
What does the Market Share have to do with the FRESHFARM mission of building a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable food future?
The Market Share is a triple win!
- The Market Share provides farmers with an additional revenue stream, improving their profitability, and by extension strengthening the local food economy.
- Participation in the Market Share program directly supports FRESHFARM’s ability to offer the Share at a lower price to those who need it and allows FRESHFARM to operate food access points in low-access/low-income areas.
- The customer shortens their food chain and receives the freshest produce available from our region, at the best price point and with a flexible subscription model!