Lineboro, MD

Black Rock Orchard

Accepts WIC & Senior Check
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miles to DC






Place orders by 12pm the day before for market pickup


Black Rock Orchard is located in Carroll County, Maryland, on the Pennsylvania line. Their claim to local fame is an original Mason Dixon mile marker located in the plums. They work hard to offer a wide variety of tree fruit and berries, including raspberries, sour cherries, gooseberries, blueberries, pluots, apricots, peaches, plums, pears and an insane number of apples varieties, including both traditional and modern cultivars. A customer looking for Stayman Winesap or Ida Red and a customer looking for Pink Lady or Gold Rush apples would be equally satisfied. Specialty greenhouse heirloom tomatoes and baby cocktail cucumbers help them extend their season in the spring and late fall.

Black Rock’s latest accomplishment is a high tunnel for winter hardy figs, built with the help of a USDA grant. The owners, David Hochheimer and Emily Zaas, support one family and employ four additional full time workers all year. They rely solely on farmers markets in the DC/Baltimore metro area to sell all of their fruit, with a few markets continuing all winter. These winter markets along with the spring and fall greenhouse specialty crops make it possible to keep their workers employed full time all year.