What’s In Your Market Share This Week?

Tomatoes Vs Tomatillos
Tomatoes and tomatillos are both berries and have several close characteristics but distinct flavors that distinguish one from the other.
Size: Tomatillos are usually the size of a grape but can grow as large as an apricot., they are covered in a papery like husk called a calyx. Tomatoes have a wider range of possible sizes, from grape tomatoes to beefsteak varieties.
- Color: The most common color for tomatillos are green but purple is also a popular color. Tomatoes are mostly known for their bright red hue but can come in yellow, purple and marbled combinations!
- Flavor: Tomatillos are sour, sweet and tart all in one.Tomatoes are semi sweet and can be smoky depending on variety.
- Texture: Tomatillos are firm and more dense, with a crisp bite. Tomatoes are juicy and tender which makes them easy to bruise.
Experiment with the way you prepare the food and you’ll find a way to enjoy it.
Raw Kale is very fibrous, try roasting until crispy to make Kale Chips
Try the Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Tomatillo Sour Cream , your plate will pop with color!
Quick and easy Fresh Tomatillo Salsa (Salsa Verde) is a must try.
Go outside and enjoy the weather while it is still here with these activities:
Recycle your empty milk or juice containers to Make A Bird Feeder for our
feathered friends!
Take some of your veggie scraps and start growing your Vegetable Forest
Ever wondered the difference between dirt and soil, experiment with this Soil Separation activity to find out